Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #305 – Two Rectangles

Egidio is this week’s host for the Lens-Artists Photo Challenge.

 Images showing two rectangles 

Beach at Langebaan.
Canola fields and blue sky
Port Owen Marina – reflection
Brightly painted houses in the Bo-Kaap. Cape Town

8 thoughts on “Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #305 – Two Rectangles

  1. Ek hou van die twee deure teen die muur (wat duidelik nie meer gebruik word as deure nie) … en ja, die strand by Langebaan is beslis een van my gunstelinge. Maar, soos altyd, pas jou foto’s pragtig by die tema.


  2. Aletta, what wonderful images you shared here! I loved all photos. The rectangles are so clear in your compositions: the horizon, color contrasts, reflections, the doors. You had some great examples of rectangles being used in your compositions.

    Liked by 2 people

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