Color your World: Razzmatazz and flower of the day

In 1992 Crayola started with their debut of the Big Box; an assortment that was simply wider than the No. 64 but still had the stadium configuration with the flip back lid.  To get to 96 colors, they used the standard 64 colors plus the 16 fluorescent colours . The remaining 16 colors were the ones the consumers got to name.  They started the campaign by first putting the crayons in without color names and advertising the contest right on the box. 

The contest ran during 1992 but the winners weren’t announced and shown on the boxes until 1993. 

#13 razzmatazz named by Laura Bartolomei-Hill Age: 5 ½DSC_0307

Cee’s flower of the day

6 thoughts on “Color your World: Razzmatazz and flower of the day

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