Ragtag Daily Prompt Thursday: The Blues

Ragtag Daily Prompt (RDP) Thursday Challenges.

We have been on lockdown for 56 days here in South Africa,  to keep ourselves busy we have cleaned out the cubboards, washed the windows, did some sewing (masks) and sorted out a lot of stuff that had been in containers for a while!  I  started to go through a box of old photos!

Big mistake!!  I really had the blues, because I realised how much I missed my family and friends!!


16 thoughts on “Ragtag Daily Prompt Thursday: The Blues

  1. Ai dis n ding. My eerste poging om uit te pak het ook ou geskrifte van my ouers opgelewer. Selfs goed wat ek van my seun stilletjies ingepak het en waardeur ek gegaan het het blues gebring. Veral sy liefdesbriewe.(nog nie gelees nie want ek wil nie inbreuk op sy privaatheid maak nie.) Sy vrou het Al Vir my gese ek moenie sekere fotos Vir hom wys nie.(eintlik sy vrou wat die struwelinge veroorsaak het met sy laaste liefde, so ek hou my daaruit.)

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  2. Yes. I can understand that. Was supposed to be home visiting my parents this week. Canceled. I did like you, went through old photos. This time I sent some to my mom. Made her day. Donna

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  3. Ah so sorry to hear you feel blue. Another way to look at it for me is happy memories of past times together and times to come to re unite and make new memories. My Mum died in 1989 and I thought I would never get over losing her, but slowly over time I could look at our happy times together and laugh at the occasions we spent at different events. Sometimes I feel sad that she will never know her Great Grand children and see my Son and Daughter as grown up wonderful people. But mostly I am glad of the good times we spent as a family and this serves as a reminder that time with friends and family are so important. We will all get to see the people that matter again soon, and will always have those memories now and in the future. That’s how I feel anyway. I’m impressed at all the clearing out you have done too..I’ve only managed two wardrobes so far! haha

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