Wild flowers of the West Coast

wildflower (or wild flower) is a flower that grows in the wild, meaning it was not intentionally seeded or planted.


The West Coast flower region, an integral part of the Cape Fynbos Kingdom, boasts more than 1200 species of flowering plants. About 80 of these are endemic to the West Coast and known nowhere else. The rich flora of the West Coast occurs on mainly three different soil types, culminating in three distinctive vegetation types, namely, Strandveld, Renosterveld and Sandveld.

Labelled species at the Darling Wild Flower show.


The Darling Wildflower Society has held a show virtually every year since that first show in 1917. The ideals expressed by the founders still hold true today. They wanted to display Darling’s God-given wealth for the world to see. At the same time they promoted the conservation of flowers amongst the farmers of the district, who have since maintained the botanical diversity of the region over several generations.

Darling lies within the Cape West Coast Biosphere reserve in the centre of the threatened lowland sandplain and renosterveld http://www.darlingwildflowers.co.za/


Although it was a rainy day the atmosphere at this show was vibrant and we had a wonderful time there.

The hall was landscaped with Darling wildflowers, from the most fragile and rare to the ones easily found.DSC06270DSC06303

And Arum lilies (my favourite) in abundance!
