Savoury Mince Spiral Scone Roll


2½ cups all-purpose flour

10 ml castor sugar

20 ml baking powder

2 ml salt

200 ml (180 g) butter, cut into small pieces

100 ml milk, plus extra for brushing

1 large egg

1. Reheat the oven to 200 C and line a baking tray with      parchment paper.

2.  Sift the flour, sugar, baking powder and salt into a             large bowl. Cut in the butter until the mixture is                 rough and crumbly.

3. In a separate bowl, milk and egg together.IMG_1483

Add this to the flour mixture and stir to just bring the dough  together, turning out onto a lightly floured work  surface to complete bringing it together with your hands. Roll the dough out into a rectangle.IMG_1484


Savoury Mince

15 ml olive oil

1  onion, finely chopped

500 g  lean beef mince

10 ml dried Italian herb mixture

salt and freshly-milled black pepper  to taste

45 ml parsley, finely chopped

1 Tablespoon of Worcestershire Sauce

Hint: This is subjective cooking at its best! You can add (or omit) any seasoning, herb or spice. You can add chili, garlic, curry and even vegetables such as diced potato and/or diced carrot, sliced mushrooms or peas. Enjoy being inventive!

Heat the oil and sauté the onion until translucent. Add the mince and brown lightly. Add the rest of the ingredients. Lower the heat and simmer with a lid on for  about 20 to 30 minutes.

Beat 2 eggs and add it to the mixture whilst stirring. Stir fry until it becomes thick.  Cool down .


Spread the cooled mince on the dough.IMG_1486

Roll the dough up and form a circle.

Use a pair of kitchen scissors and cut into slices.

Brush the dough with some milk and bake for 20 to 30 minutes  until lightly browned.


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